Chalmers, Göteborg

reboulet [at]

rebouletremimath [at]


October 2022 - .: Postdoc in Chalmers, University of Göteborg, with Robert BERMAN (website).

April 2022 - September 2022: Postdoc in the DPMMS, University of Cambridge, with Ruadhaí DERVAN (website).

December 2021: Ph.D in Mathematics.

September 2019 - December 2021: Ph.D student at the Institut Fourier in Grenoble, co-supervised by Catriona MACLEAN (website) and Sébastien BOUCKSOM (website).

This page has last been updated on 2023/12/09.


Current work e-mail: reboulet [at]
Perennial work e-mail (preferred): rebouletremimath [at]
Office: Office H5014.


8. Infinite-dimensional flats in the space of positive metrics on an ample line bundle (with David Witt Nyström).

7. Transcendental Okounkov bodies (with Tamás Darvas, David Witt Nyström, Mingchen Xia, Kewei Zhang).

6. The birational geometry of GIT quotients (with Ruadhaí Dervan).

5. Flats in the space of Kähler metrics and Okounkov bodies.
Written for the proceedings of a conference in the honour of Bo Berndtsson, arxiv.

4. Ding stability and Kähler-Einstein metrics on manifolds with big anticanonical class (with Ruadhaí Dervan).
Accepted in Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal). arxiv.

3. The space of finite-energy metrics over a degeneration of complex manifolds.
Accepted in Journal de l'École polytechnique. arxiv.

2. Plurisubharmonic geodesics in spaces of non-Archimedean metrics of finite energy.
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal). arxiv.

1. The asymptotic Fubini-Study operator over general non-Archimedean fields.
Mathematische Zeitschrift. arxiv.


Non-Archimedean geometry: Berkovich spaces, non-Archimedean pluripotential theory, hybrid spaces.
Complex algebraic and differential geometry: Kähler geometry, complex pluripotential theory, K-stability, birational geometry, Geometric Invariant Theory.
Convex geometry: Okounkov bodies, toric geometry, convex analysis, Brunn-Minkowski theory, tropical geometry.


Dates are in international format YYYY/MM/DD.

2024/01/11: Flats in the space of positive metrics.
KASS seminar, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg.

2023/12/18: Flats in the space of positive metrics.
ULB geometry seminar , Université libre de Bruxelles.

2023/10/19: Transcendental Okounkov bodies.
Conference GDR GAGC, Poitiers.

2023/10/13: Corps d'Okounkov transcendants.
Séminaire de Géométrie, Groupes et Dynamique, Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon.

2023/04/22: The birational geometry of GIT quotients.
Conference Around Complex Geometry, University of Illinois at Chicago.

2023/04/13: The birational geometry of GIT quotients.
Oberwolfach conference Komplexe Analysis, Oberwolfach, short talk.

2023/04/04: Stabilité et métriques Kähler-Einstein sur des variétés à fibré anticanonique gros.
Séminaire systèmes dynamiques et géométrie, Angers.

2023/02/16: The birational geometry of GIT quotients.
KASS Seminar, Chalmers University Göteborg.

2023/01/20: Stabilité et métriques Kähler-Einstein sur des variétés à fibré anticanonique gros.
Séminaire de Géométrie, Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray, Nantes.

2022/12/12: Stabilité et métriques Kähler-Einstein sur des variétés à fibré anticanonique gros.
Séminaire de géométrie complexe, IECL, Nancy.

2022/10/31: Ding stability for manifolds with big anticanonical class.
Conference Convex and Complex:Perspectives on Positivity in Geometry, in honor of Bo Berndtsson's 70th birthday, Cetraro.

2022/05/25: Geodesics between algebraic models via Berkovich geometry.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, DPMMS, Cambridge.

2022/03/14: Plurisubharmonic geodesics in non-Archimedean geometry and limits of complex manifolds.
KASS Seminar, Chalmers University, Göteborg.

2022/01/10: Géodésiques plurisousharmoniques non-archimédiennes et limites de variétés complexes.
Séminaire d'Analyse Harmonique, Orsay.

2021/12/09: Non-Archimedean plurisubharmonic geodesics and limits of complex geodesics.
Séminaire de Géométrie Complexe, Toulouse.

2021/11/18: Metric structures on the space of Hermitian norms on a complex vector space.
Séminaire compréhensible, Institut Fourier, Grenoble.

2021/11/08: Non-Archimedean plurisubharmonic geodesics and limits of complex geodesics.
Geometric Analysis Seminar, Purdue (over Zoom).

2021/11/02: Legendre transforms, convex bodies, and plurisubharmonic metrics.
Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar, University of Maryland (over Zoom).

2021/10/20: Plurisubharmonic geodesics in non-Archimedean geometry.
Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie, Frankfurt (over Zoom).

2021/10/06: Géodésiques plurisousharmoniques non-archimédiennes et limites de variétés complexes.
Séminaire de géométrie, CMLS, Ecole Polytechnique.

2021/09/07: Non-Archimedean plurisubharmonic geodesics and complex limits.
Conference K-stability and Kähler Geometry, Cambridge.

2021/02/09: Plurisubharmonic geodesics in non-Archimedean geometry.
Complex Geometry seminar (over Zoom).


2021-2022 - MAT307: Courbes paramétrées et équations différentielles. (36h TD)
(L2 Physique-Mécanique)

2019-2020 - MAT432: Sequences and series of functions. (64h CM+TD)
(L2 Math-Info International, dedicated page: MAT432)


From February 2021 to March 2022, I was a member of the Institut Fourier research council (UMR 5582, non-permanents).

In 2020-2021, I was co-organizing the PhD students' seminar, "Séminaire compréhensible".


Ph.D thesis defense slides: slides.
Ph.D thesis: pdf. The first two chapters are a self-contained introduction to non-Archimedean geometry, starting from scratch. The first chapter in particular, which treats the algebraic preliminaries, has been deliberately written in such a way that it should be readable to a(n interested) Master's student.

Cambridge Complex Geometry Afternoon.